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Sunshine Coast Online NA Meeting


Good Morning (afternoon/evening) and welcome to the Sunshine Coast Online meeting of Narcotics Anonymous.

My name is [NAME] and I am an addict. The only requirement for me to chair this meeting is that I am clean today. This is a 75 minute meeting and it runs from 10-11:15am AEST, seven days a week. We will call on as many speakers as possible and we ask that you keep your shares to a maximum of five minutes. You will be given a visual reminder at 4 mins asking you to wind it up and then another at 5 mins asking you to wrap it up. Part of sharing with us is sharing the time with others.

With that said, would you join us for a moment of silence to remember the still-suffering addict, those yet to get here and those that we have lost on the way.

Thank you. Zoom is our landlord; we are not affiliated with any other groups or entities. We are advertised on the internet meetings list on a few different platforms and so we can be, at times, subject to bombers. While this can be unsettling, if it occurs our group chooses to see this as a modern-day prank call and nothing more. We ask for your patience while our host and co-hosts do their best to remove these people.

Our first Tradition states that our common welfare should come first, personal recovery depends on NA unity and it is our responsibility to ensure that all our meetings maintain an atmosphere of recovery.

This is a Just for Today meeting of Narcotics Anonymous where we speak and share amongst each other the experience, strength and hope of the NA message. To separate one drug from the next can blur the message. Narcotics Anonymous makes no distinction between drugs. Our identification as addicts is all inclusive, which allows us to concentrate on our similarities and not our differences.

We read through the daily reading and we ask that you share on this topic if possible and if not, you are welcome to share on how you are going. The most important person in any meeting is the newcomer and as we want you to feel the same welcome that you would encounter at a face-to-face, we ask you to let the Host know that you are here via the chat.

If you have used today, please refrain from sharing today. We encourage you to please stay and speak to someone after the meeting, and come back clean to share with us tomorrow.

Can everyone please upload their clean time in the chat to show the program works and so we can reach out to the newcomers and celebrate any milestones, and do we have any visitors from out of town? If so, would you like to ID?

JFT Reading

Aussie link
North America link (a day behind)

Invite attendees to share, alternating boy, girl. Where possible, start with known strong sharers

(Around 10:35-10:40): I would like to take a brief moment at our halfway mark to remind everyone of the 7th Tradition, that states NA is fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions. WSO has suffered great financial loss since the pandemic began with grave impacts being felt in many areas impacting our ability to reach the newcomer, so please give generously when you can.

We ask that any donations be made into our group's account which has been updated into the chat. If you are outside of Australia, we encourage you to give to your local area.

Resume sharing, alternating boy, girl. Where possible, end with known strong sharers

(At 11:15am): That brings us to the end of the meeting. Thanks to those who shared and sorry to those who didn’t. Keep coming back. Thanks for having me as host and a special shout to our co-hosts.

I would like to remind everyone again of the 7th Tradition for which our group's bank details are in the chat.

(It is the host and co-hosts responsibility to make sure that these details are uploaded EVERY meeting without fail. Bank details shall be uploaded at the end as well because if someone came in during the second half they'd have missed it.

Choose a speaker to lead us out in the serenity prayer!